welcome to my site


Biographical Notes about the Artist


Carmen Bastos


Born in Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brasil, in 1953 . She is a Psychologist and ceramist. Established as a ceramicist since 1996 , the artist works from his own ceramic gallery studio, where she exhibits and sells her creations.

Carmen also teaches ceramics in her own studio for brazilian people and for foreigners, and gives instructions to many other artists, concerning to ceramic techniques, fire and paint.

In the beginning she makes only low fire, but she wants more……

She builded a gas kiln and to begin learn the secrets about the high temperature. She makes researches on high temperature firing and glazes. Today, the passion about ceramics is the most important thing.

She makes wheel, but prefer using traditional handbuilt ceramic processes. She makes utilitarian and also decorative pieces.

If you'd like more information about any of the works displayed
on this site, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Send me an e-mail. I’ll be delighted to receive it.

Should you ever be Salvador, I'd be happy to receive you in my atelier.
However, contact me beforehand via email or call me in the studio telephone.

How to get to my atelier : click to see map



"Making Philosophy , as Socrates did, we can say that : We exist, therefore we are all artists."


On this Site there are
water, earth, air, fire, energy and a lot creativity

Rua Banco dos Ingleses, n º 20 (Clube Inglês - Anexo) Campo Grande. Salvador-Bahia-Brasil. Tel 55 (71) 3337-0823